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Dawan Formation

Dawan Fm


Age Interval: 
Floian-Dapingian, (44, 45)


Type Locality and Naming

The type section is at Village Dawan in Fenxiang 16 km northwest of Yichang City, Hubei. The Dawan Fm is derived from the Dawan Bed proposed by Zhang Wentang et al. in 1957.

In 1956, Zhang Wentang et al. suggested that the Chi's (1940) “Meitan Shale" in Fenxiang, Yichang, is not shale but actually nodular limestone intercalated with minor shale, and replaced it with the Dawan Bed. In 1957, Wang Yu and Mu Enzhi heightened the upper boundary of the Dawan Bed, and included the purple limestone in the middle part and the shale intercalated with nodular limestone in the upper part of the Chi's (1940) “Meitan Shale" in the Dawan Bed. In 1962, Zhang Wentang renamed the Dawan Bed the Dawan Fm.

Synonym: (大湾组)

Reference Section:

The reference section is at Huanghuachang 5 km northwest of Yichang City, Hubei (Zeng Qingluan et al., 1983). The reference section is 63 m thick.

Lithology and Thickness

In the type area, the Dawan Fm is divided into three members. Lower member is characterized by grayish green nodular limestone intercalated with shale, with a limestone bearing glauconite at the base. Middle member is represented by purple and local green nodular limestone. Upper member is dominated by grayish green shale intercalated with thin-bedded or nodular limestone.

Lithology Pattern: 
Clayey limestone

Relationships and Distribution

Lower contact

It rests conformably on the thin-bedded to massive bioclastic limestone of the Honghuayuan Fm

Upper contact

It is conformably overlain by the nodular limestone of the Guniutan Fm.

Regional extent

The Dawan Fm, with a persistent lithology, is exposed in regions north of Yanhe-Sinan-Fuquan-Guiding in northern Guizhou and southwestern Sichuan (20-240 m thick); western Hubei, southeastern Sichuan and northern Hunan (27-130 m thick); northeastern Hubei (18-40 m thick); southeastern Hubei (42-75 m thick). In eastern Hubei, it is dominated by limestone intercalated with rare shale. The Zitai Fm at Ganxi in Yanhe and Heshui in Yinjiang, Guizhou corresponds to the Dawan Fm (Nanjing Institute of Geology and Paleontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1974).




The Dawan Fm yields abundant fossils. The lower member contains the graptolite of the Didymograptus deflexus assemblage and Azygograptus suecicus assemblage; the upper member contains the graptolites of the Glyptograptus? sinodentatus assemblage and Undulograptus austrodentatus assemblage; the middle member contains the cephalopods of the Protocycloceras deprati assemblage. In this formation, a complete conodont sequence has been established, and is divided into five zones as following, in ascending order, Oepikodus evae zone, Baltoniodus triangularis zone, Paroistodus originalis zone, Microzarkodina parva zone and Amorphognathus variabilis zone.


Floian-Dapingian. Zeng Qingluan (1983) lowered the base of the Dawan Fm at the base of the limestone bearing glauconite, which was previously included in the upper part of the Honghuayuan Fm, and suggested a Middle-Late Arenig age for it and correlated it with the Didymograptus deflexus zone or its part to the D. hirundo zone. The present book follows Zeng's (1983) consideration.

Age Span: 

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Depositional setting

Depositional pattern:  

Additional Information


Jianpo Wang and Xiaofeng Wang